Teenage is a stage in a child's life when he goes through one of the most exciting periods of his life: the transition from childhood to adulthood. A teenager's life is full of new ideas, broad avenues to explore, new relationships, pleasure, and enjoyment, as well as physical and psychological changes. This tumultuous period is commonly referred to as 'teenage upheaval.' A visit to any of California' Depression treatment Bakersfield institutions can clearly confirm this. These figures should serve as a caution if we want to protect our children from mental health risks. Depression has no boundaries and can affect youngsters of any colour, social class, economic status, gender, IQ level, or other characteristics. Other Issues Result From Depression When a youngster suffers from depression, it can lead to other major concerns. According to one study, 30 percent of depressed youths are more likely to abuse drugs and other dangerous substances. Because they tr...