What Kinds of Children Require Mental Health Care?
Is your loved one struggling with depression, anxiety, phobia, or mental illness? Is he or she often finding difficulty in carrying out their routine tasks and coping with their problems? Are they not living and enjoying their life as a normal person. If that is the case, they are in desperate need of mental health services. About 14-22 percent of children in America are affected with a diagnosable psychological disorder and 20 percent of them are youth, who are suffering at sub-clinical levels. However, only about 20 percent of these children are getting treatments from mental health services. Depression is the most chronic illness that takes a heavy toll on health in the United States. More than 21 million American adults and children are annually diagnosed with this mental illness. Depression is the main cause behind disability in the United States for persons aged between 15 and 44 years. According to studies, there are four main areas that one can look at, such as academ...